
interest 英[ˈɪntrəst]  美[ˈɪntrɪst]

interest的基本意思是作名词“兴趣、爱好”,作动词的基本意思为“使产生兴趣”。第三人称单数:interests 复数:interests 现在分词:interesting 过去式:interested 过去分词:interested



here has been a lively interest in the elections in the last two weeks.过去两周人们对选举一直有强烈的兴趣。

His parents tried to discourage his interest in music, but he persisted.他的父母设法打消他对音乐的兴趣,但他始终坚持。

She\’d liked him at first, but soon lost interest.最初她喜欢过他,但很快就失去了兴趣。

Food was of no interest to her at all.食物一点都提不起她的兴趣。


He developed a wide range of sporting interests as a pupil at Millfield.他在米尔菲尔德私立学校上学的时候培养了广泛的运动爱好。

Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies even if they\’re things that you know little about.要鼓励孩子的兴趣爱好,即使你对他们所知甚少。

He has two great interests. One is sports and the other is music.  他有两大爱好:一个是体育,另一个是音乐。


Did those directors act in the best interests of their club?那些董事行事时是以他们俱乐部的最大利益为出发点吗?

The social worker would try to get her to see she was acting against the boy\’s interests.这位社会工作者会设法让她明白她这么做对这个男孩没有好处。


The government accused unnamed \’foreign interests\’ of inciting the trouble.政府不指名地谴责“外国利益集团”煽动骚乱。

He resigned as finance minister only weeks before the election and stood against big-business interests.他在大选到来仅几周前辞去了财政部长职务,并抵制大公司利益集团。


Disney will retain a 51 percent controlling interest in the venture.迪斯尼将保留该项目51%的控股权。

Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country.她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。


The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe.东欧民主力量的发展与西方国家利害攸关。

Domestic consumers of petroleum products have an interest in a secure source of petroleum products.石油产品的国内消费者希望其来源能够获得保障。


Does your current account pay interest?你的活期账户有利息吗?

This is an important step toward lower interest rates.这是向较低利率迈出的重要一步。 来自柯林斯例句

have no interest in…对….不感兴趣

I have no interest in collecting stamps.我对集邮不感兴趣。

lose interest in…对…失去兴趣

I lost interest in music.我对音乐失去了兴趣。

with interest 兴致勃勃的

I read this book with interest. 我饶有兴趣地读了这本书。


8、作动词,意思是\”劝诱;说服(某人)做(某事)\”。interest sb. in (doing) sth.意为“使某人在……方面感兴趣”。如:

In the meantime I can\’t interest you in a new car, I suppose?那么我想这时候我不能说服您买辆新车了?

The group wasn\’t able to interest them in reproducing literature specifically for women.这个团体没能说服他们再版专门面向女性的文学作品。

He tried to interest me in buying the house.他想说服我买这所房子。

9、作动词,意思是使感兴趣;引起…的关注。interest sb. 意为“使某人感兴趣,引起某人注意”。如:

Geography doesn’t interest him.地理引不起他的兴趣。

It may interest you to know that Miss Woods, the housekeeper, witnessed the attack.您或许会有兴趣知道管家伍兹小姐目击了袭击过程。

That passage interested me because it seems to parallel very closely what you\’re doing in the novel…那一段引起了我的关注,因为它似乎与你在小说里所采用的手法非常相似。


常用结构be interested in (doing) sth.意为“对(做)……感兴趣”,主语是人。如:

John is interested in history.  约翰喜欢历史。  He is interested in drawing pictures.   他对画画感兴趣。



The story is very interesting.  这个故事很有趣。This is an interesting movie.  这是一部有趣的电影。

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