「小学英语谚语」Wit bought is better than wit taught.亲身实践胜过教师教导。

Wit bought is better than wit taught.亲身实践胜过教师教导。

此句还有另一种说法是Wit once bought is worth twice taught。以上两句主要意思是通过实践直接得到的知识,胜过从教师或书本间接得到的知识。bought这里也可理解为“花实践代价得到的”。这里用bought是为了和taught押韵。wit bought和wit taught更有双声叠韵的效果。


He knows the water the best who has waded through it.


The proof of the pudding is in the eating.



Experience is the mother of wisdom.


Experience teaches.


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