A miss is as good as a mile.小错大错都是错。
谚语中的miss是小失误,mile是大距离。这里的mile和miss在意义上有相反的对比作用,但形式上都同样以/m/开头,是用了英语修辞上的头韵(alliteration)。这表示着两者意思虽然不同,但性质却是一样的。进一步引申的意思就是性质既然相同,就可以转化,所以小错也会酿成大错。这里的as good as相当于the same as。
One link broken, the whole chain is broken.
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
One false move may lose the(whole)game.
近似意思的谚语还可参阅另一条谚语:A small leak will sink a great ship.
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