「小学英语谚语」A tall tree catches the wind.树大招风。

A tall tree catches the wind.树大招风。

树与风的关系,本来“风”是主动的,“树”是被动的,但这句谚语却把两者关系颠倒过来,catch在此用得十分生动,好像树是主动去“招”(catch)风似的。如果改用一个普通的说法:The wind blows down a tall tree.意思就平淡了。这里刻意运用这种手法,就是要告诫人们不要太招摇,否则就会招致祸害,自取其咎。还有那些地位高、名声大的人往往树敌也多,所以更要小心谨慎,不要狂妄自大。


Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm.


Envy assails the noblest, the wind howls around the high peak.


Mickle power makes many enemies.


The highest branch is not the safest.


Big trees bear the brunt of the wind.


近似意思的谚语还可参阅:Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

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